Building a business case: Second-generation MSP

Building a business case: Second-generation MSP

A detailed guide that serves as a roadmap for organisations to decide the future of your contingent workforce MSP programme

Given today’s rapidly changing, complex environment, we know you’re dealing with a lot of challenges. With these challenges comes great opportunity -- to advance and transform your MSP programme, find greater cost savings, and look towards talent strategies that will ensure you’re attracting and retaining the best contingent talent in the future.

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Have you been looking for ways to move from a tactical to a more strategic MSP programme?

Do you want to drive more value from your existing/new MSP partner?

Do you have additional spend categories that need managed?

Can your organisation benefit from being more agile and flexible, making better use of the contingent workforce with the disruption taking place around the world?

This guide details the exact steps required to determine if you should expand your existing programme or bring in a new MSP partner.

What's covered in the guide:

  • What’s required to build a successful business case based on working with hundreds of global private and public sector organisations
  • How to build a problem definition, programme recommendations, assess ROI, and determine future programme goals
  • How to assess current state and get alignment on future goals
  • How to ensure you are getting the most from your programme

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